There is a NEW Tim McGraw album out today! - Those are the words we have been waiting for since "Southern Voice" was released back in 2009. McGraw does have an album ready to hit the shelves though. The problem is his record label, Curb Records, wants to keep McGraw under their label because losing him would deal a hard blow to their pockets.
McGraw's success is . . . well, it's just hard to describe. Here is this man who in less than two decades has become one of the biggest superstars in the music industry. He has had hit after hit after hit on the country charts, but also on pop charts. He has his own signature songs like "Live Like You Were Dying" but he can also sing Kenny Rogers and George Strait. "He's too damn good." is what the record label is probably thinking and they are right. No wonder they don't want to let him go.
So right about now you might be asking, "Ok, well what's the problem?" The problem is that Curb Records has filed a lawsuit against McGraw claiming he was in breach of his contract by recording "Emotional Traffic" (presumably the name of the yet-to-be released album), thus he "owes" the record label a few more albums. McGraw of course denies the accusation and says he recorded the new album after the specified time after "Southern Voice" and delivered it on time as stated on the contract. Curb though refuses to release the album until something is figured out, in or out of court.
But with all this happening, rumor has it that Tim McGraw himself is distributing CD-R discs with new music on them at Wal-Mart located along his touring route. He is allegedly burning CD-R discs, putting them in cases, and stocking them on Wal'Mart shelves right where you would expect one of his "legit" albums to be. Click here to read the full article.
Can you imagine browsing through the country albums when all of a sudden this guy bumps into you and you realize it's Tim McGraw?!?1
McGraw's success is . . . well, it's just hard to describe. Here is this man who in less than two decades has become one of the biggest superstars in the music industry. He has had hit after hit after hit on the country charts, but also on pop charts. He has his own signature songs like "Live Like You Were Dying" but he can also sing Kenny Rogers and George Strait. "He's too damn good." is what the record label is probably thinking and they are right. No wonder they don't want to let him go.

But with all this happening, rumor has it that Tim McGraw himself is distributing CD-R discs with new music on them at Wal-Mart located along his touring route. He is allegedly burning CD-R discs, putting them in cases, and stocking them on Wal'Mart shelves right where you would expect one of his "legit" albums to be. Click here to read the full article.
Can you imagine browsing through the country albums when all of a sudden this guy bumps into you and you realize it's Tim McGraw?!?1